The Pride of Workmanship Award project gives local businesses the opportunity to nominate a special employee for public recognition of their outstanding qualities in terms of approach, attitude, dedication and commitment to his/her job and therefore stands out as a successful achiever.

Example of well-deserving award recipientsThe scheme provides an ideal medium for businesses who would otherwise not be in a position to do so, to acknowledge and thank worthy employees. It is intended to cover all aspects of work performance including ethics, quality and quantity of output, safety, initiative, sense of responsibility, approach, attitude, dedication and commitment to his/her job, etc.
Public Reward for Worthy Employees. We honour the selected employees at a special dinner and present them with a beautiful plaque (photo). We will also offer extra recognition for them and their company via the local media.
It is important to Australia and our community. We believe "Pride of Workmanship" – the sense of responsibility to "Do a Job Once, Do it Well and Build a Better Australia" is one of the greatest intangible assets in our community.
To encourage "Pride of Workmanship", our club offers local business the opportunity through Rotary to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of employees who consistently achieve an overall high standard of work performance and also display personal qualities worthy of such a public award.