Club Social Activities
We are a socially active bunch!
Fun hat nights to raise funds, bbq's and picnics, movie nights, live theatre at Pymble Players, restaurant nights, golf, tennis...
We have FUN making a difference - and develop lasting friendships along the way,
not forgetting handy networking opportunities within our diverse membership
A few happy snaps below

club bbq at Akuna Bay

Taking a break from building Clarke Rd School's farm

Christmas function

social function

Pymble Players
a great night out!

Christmas function - Middle East caterers
also a fundraiser for a Fairfield school community

Enjoying a night out

A bit of fun at the Theatre night

Picnic at Akuna Bay

Restaurant night

David ringing in some order to a fun night

Team members who built Clarke Rd's new 'Cluck Rd Farm'

Christmas carols time

Dress up night

Tasty morsels in the making at Club BBQ

A wonderful dessert contribution to a function

Winners of our annual 'sports' night trophy

Meal time at Xmas function

Fun at a picnic

Local business Information night

Refreshment offering at theatre night

Rotarians at work

Anna-Louise (left) gave members some easy handy hints for staying fit and healthy

Annual Changeover Dinner