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Project Selection & Review Criteria


Situation Assessment



Community Assessment



Have community representatives been widely consulted?

Yes / No


What are the community’s needs?



What are the community’s priorities?



Club Assessment



What are the club members’ interests?



What are the club members’ strengths, skills and abilities?



How much time and resources can club members commit?



Does the club have previous experience of similar projects?



Choice of Project



What possible projects match the assessments, including the estimated duration and resources needed?



Which is the preferred project?



Which of the following will the preferred project address?

·         Housing

·         Clean water

·         Hunger

·         Health

·         Education

·         Poverty

·         Environment

·         Peace



Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No


What time involvement of club members will the preferred project require?



What equipment will the preferred project require?



What materials will the preferred project require?



What finance will the preferred project require?



How long will the preferred project take from planning to completion?



Will the outcome of the preferred project be commensurate with the effort and resources put into it?

Yes / No


Will the preferred project be self-sustaining once completed?

Yes / No


Does the preferred project meet the community’s needs and match its priorities?

Yes / No


Does the preferred project match the club members’ interests, skills and abilities?

Yes / No


Will the preferred project involve members of the community?

Yes / No


Does the preferred project offer the opportunity for corporate/business sponsorship?

Yes / No


Does the preferred project fall within the RI’s/the club’s strategic plans?

Yes / No


Does the preferred project fall within one of the avenues of service?

Yes / No


Does the preferred project fit into the club’s planned balance of projects:

·         Across the 5 avenues of service; and

·         Between local and international projects?



Yes / No

Yes / No


Does the preferred project fall within the mission of the Rotary Foundation?

Yes / No


Is the preferred project eligible for a matching grant?

Yes / No


Is there a Rotary club that can manage the preferred project if it is in another District?

Yes / No


Does the preferred project fall within the criteria of the Presidential citation program?

Yes / No


Project Plan



What are the goals and objectives of the project?



What is the plan for carrying out the project?



What is the budget for the project?



What fundraising will be undertaken?



What personnel are required for the project?



Who will be the manager(s) of the project?



What risks are associated with the project?



What steps have been taken to cover those risks?



How will the project be promoted?



What reporting mechanisms have been established for the project?



Project Evaluation



Did the project meet the needs of the community?

Yes / No


Was the project completed within budget?

Yes / No


Did the project have significant club member involvement?

Yes / No


What did the community consider went well?



What did the club members consider went well?



What did the community consider should be changed?



What did the club members consider should be changed?



Have the results been reported to the community, the club, District and RI?

Yes / No


Has the project been celebrated with all involved?

Yes / No


Did the club members have fun?

Yes / No


Should the club repeat the project and, if so, when?